
To experience communities where resourced and empowered neighbors are bound together in a common way of life discovering transformational freedom in Christ.


To raise up generations of young heroes - who are beating the odds by the grace of God - through creating safe places in our neighborhood to grow together into wholeness.


The Four Ps

  • Personal Presence—we live in the community where we serve making the concerns of the neighborhood youth and families our concerns
  • Proactive Prevention—we equip youth with the character and resources to overcome the risks of teenage pregnancy, dropping out of school, joining gangs, and using drugs
  • Productive People—we provide youth with opportunities to exercise leadership through meaningful employment, entrepreneurship, community service, and civic engagement
  • Prophetic Perspective—we cultivate critical consciousness (race, class, gender) within youth allowing them to identify and advocate against systemic injustice and inequity

Asset-Based Community Development—we commit to actively listening to the desires of our neighbors, building upon our strengths and assets, and working together to realize personal and collective dreams that will bring vitality to our souls and our common life

Communities of Grace and Truth—we commit to being authentic and vulnerable for it is only in being honest about who we really are (the good and bad, the joy and the pain, the beautiful and the ugly) that the saving power of God can heal and transform us

Power Sharing—we commit to cultivating an organizational culture where power is shared among stakeholders (youth, families, other neighbors, staff) and where we learn how to leverage our individual and collective power to advocate for the resources and opportunities our community needs to thrive