Volunteer Opportunities
Employ an Alexander House Scholar. Many of our resident scholars are seeking meaningful employment located conveniently along bus lines or in walking distance from the neighborhood. Hire someone or help us identify and recruit potential employers.
Provide and share a meal with scholars at the Alexander House. Every week during the academic year Alexander House Scholars share a meal with one another for the purpose of building and maintaining a space that reflects the values of intentional community. Prepare a meal for approximately 10 people and join us to experience a small part of our mission of growing together into wholeness.
School-Year Volunteer Opportunities
Coach a Walltown Basketball Team. We are connected with coed basketball teams thru the Durham Parks & Rec Junior NBA program. We need coaches who are willing to help transport players and assist with the one-night-a-week practice and Saturday games during the basketball season.
Tutor. Individual tutors may be requested by our resident Alexander House Scholars as they pursue higher education at a local institution. It is most helpful if a volunteer will consider making a commitment to tutor once-a-week on a specified day for at least one semester to provide consistency and continuity.